The race you choose when creating your character helps determine your characters primary stats.
Each race also has additional features that can affect how you play your character.
The world of Imperial has eight races, these being Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human, Orc, Pixie, Mandrake, and Lemyrian.
Humans are the basic race inhabiting the lands of Imperial, they gain no special abilities, but have no special restrictions either. Humans have great adaptability to new situations and can become powerful in any class. Humans learn new skills a bit faster than any other race.
Elves are a very intelligent race, perhaps because of their relationship with nature. Elves have permanent infravision and the ability to detect magic. Elves get a positive attack bonus outdoors and in sunlight and a negative modifier when inside dark, indoors rooms. Elves learn new spells faster than other races do and are naturally able to fade into forest terrain, becoming invisible to normal detection by using the fade command. Elves of evil alignment are sometimes called Dark Elves, or Drow.
Dwarves are very tough, as solid as the rocks they come from. Because of their affinity to steel dwarves get an attack bonus when wielding any weapon. Dwarves have permanent infravision because of the perpetual darkness of their homeland and they are immune to paralyzation and poisoning. Dwarves of evil alignment are sometimes called Duergar. Dwarves have the ability to go mining in mountain regions and dig for gold and gems using the "mine" command occasionally.
Halflings are small and quick, and can often pass unseen where larger races cannot. Halflings love food and need to eat often, due to the pleasure they derive from eating food, they cannot be satiated by magic. Halflings are generally well mannered and polite, getting a positive modifier to shop prices. Halflings cannot become Clerics. Halflings are adept with a sling and are quite lucky at times.
Orcs are a strong race, and regenerate quickly, but they are very sensitive to the sunlight. Because of this their attack bonuses and regeneration are lower in sunlight than in the dark, they also get infravision due to their affinity to the dark. Orcs tend to be good fighters, gaining an additional bite attack in combat. Orcs are also generally ill mannered and unpleasant, resulting in them getting a negative modifier to shop prices. Orcs can't become Mages. Orcs can go into a frenzy and lose control of themselves for short periods of time. This creates more damage to their attacks at a loss of accuracy in aiming the blows.
Pixies are the smallest of the races. Tiny and fragile, these fairy folk make up for it by being exceedingly quick in both mind and body. Born of magic, all classes of Pixie can detect magic. Natural wings allow them to traverse any terrain and they can use their "dust" once in a while to soar even higher into the upper elevations. Pixies may not be warriors.
Mandrake, The combination of a Human and a Dragon, Mandrakes are the largest of the races. Great strength and a thick hide make Mandrakes of any class fearsome at hand to hand fighting, using their claws and teeth to good effect. However the natural armor that Mandrakes develop on their bodies is much too large for any armor to be worn on the body or about the body.
Mandrakes have several special attacks, they will gain an elemental breath and if they are not wielding a weapon they will fight with their claws and teeth. As a mandrake matures (gains levels) these attacks get more powerful. To use these attacks Mandrakes must train second and third attack skills. They achieve the ability to fly upon choosing a guild.
Mandrakes may not be thieves.
Lemyrians are aquatic people who normally live deep under the water. They have webbed tissue between each digit and both gills and lungs, allowing them to breathe in air and water. Lemyrians have high constitution and strength due to the high pressure of their native areas.