Imperial v3.5
DIKUMud, extensively reworked.
Server based in: Finland
Imperial DikuMUD came online in early 1992, making it one of the oldest Dikus in existence. The mud has gone through many changes since it's inception. Imperial is a heavily-modified DikuMUD. Some of the features that have been added are listed here:
- Stand Alone World, Not just linked Areas
- Original Home City of Kial-Qwyn
- A brand new additional Home City players can choose for themselves, once they reach a specific level of experience
- An Auction system for equipment
- No rent charges
- A Meta system to improve stats
- An Honor Rank system for extremely high level advancment
- Over 200 areas to explore!
- The friendliest players anywhere
- Now, in version 3.5, an extended race and class system. There are 8 races and 12 classes
- An active immortal staff, filled with some of the most creative minds working for the benefit of players in any MUD you care to name.
Imperial v3.5 has taken the best of V3 and improved upon it. This project was started as a simple balancing and grew to additions of skills, spells and new formats on many things.
For the work on the code we wish to thank: Asterix, Benjamin and Havoc, with some part time assistance and ideas from Mox.
For all the non-code jobs (other than missions) we wish to thank Angelique and Miracle. Angelique wishes to thank Jet for doing so much proofreading as well.
For the new missions system we thank, Benjamin, Havoc, Micho, Karma, Ethelam, Roan and Miracle.
For putting up with endless reboots, crashes and questions, we wish to thank the brave people we used as guinea pigs, otherwise known as playtesters. This list includes Gregor, Shiel, Karma, Miracle, Angelique, Asterix, Havoc, Jet, Rel, Tiw, Ethelam, Vorhees, Merlin, Bounty, Skankke, Tune, Ares, Tengel, Kudo, Morris, Beacher, and Kato.
For keeping us nice and sane (and you do understand that sanity is a relative definition, yes?) we all wish to thank Rosmo. He listened to the ideas, comments, complaints and gave us the feedback we really needed. Rosmo and Miracle hold a special place in the creation of this new version and their touch is still felt throughout the MUD.
And finally, for helping us through to developing a new site, still in its childhood, we thank Karma, Havoc, and several players who so freely gave of their time to offer useful advice, hands on assistance and constructive, educational, guidance.
Imperial v3.5 is based on:
Imperial v3 by Benjamin and Clear
Imperial v2 by Caster and Ervin
Imperial v1 by NoName